Friday, February 1, 2013

Day Thirty-Two -- She's Like A Rainbow

First, a quick observation: Today is the first day that I won't be able to rely on the day's date to remember what day it is in my blog-a-day progression... Now on to the blog entry:

Not feeling so hot today, such a bummer. I had plans to go to Kristine’s for a crafty day and I was looking forward to showing her the beads I got from Dollar Bead and tell her why I’m not buying from them ever again. (I’m going to be doing a post about that on my Ooh! Shiny!! blog soon) Would be fun to see Liz again as well, but I was, and still am, feeling crappy. So tired of that and I wish I knew what to do about it.

Last night I finally did my nails with the Seche products I got recently, and also a couple of coats of Gelous, a non-UV light needing gel coat (as the Doctor would say, I kinda let that sentence get away from me). And I am so happy with the results. I won’t say much about it as I said quite a bit in a previous post, but I will say that I went to bed only about 5 minutes after I finished my nails and I woke up the next morning with not one smudge. And that’s with the Gelous which takes FOREVER to dry on its own if you want to use more than one coat. Oh, and that “lost cause” bottle of Seche Vite, turned out to be just fine. I put a bunch of Restore in it and shook it a bit, then left it alone for a couple of days thinking it wasn’t going to recover, then yesterday I checked it out and it’s like a fresh new bottle!  Okay, enough nail talk or else I’m going to turn this into a straight up beauty blog. OOH! Great idea! I think I’m going to see if I can have a couple different pages on this blog, maybe I can have a beauty product review type blog… that might be fun. That would require me earning more money so that I can buy other beauty products. I can even interview other friends and ask them about their beauty regimes or products they like/don’t like/etc.  We’ll see. Though I am spreading myself kinda thin between this blog and the professional one, though that beauty page would just be a part of this one and they would still count towards my blog-a-day entries (my blog, my rules.)

I did go to Sally’s today and got some new stuff for my hair. I got a new, satin sleeping cap, a cholesterol conditioner and some shampoo samples. I also bought some hair bleach and developer because I want to try the purple again but with lighter hair. It’s just such a shame that purple fades so quickly. I’ve used a ton of different temporary/semi-permanent red dyes that lasted a lot longer. Hell, when my hair was green (was supposed to be blue) the color lasted a lot longer with purple. Now I know why people with purple in their hair lament so. Seriously though, every time I wet my hair even a little bit, the purple was coming out in dark drops. Still, it’ll be nice to have bright purple hair even if it lasts only long enough for me to get a good picture of it. I’m going to work on that next week. Maybe I’ll do that on Monday. 

For your viewing pleasure, above left is my fingernails looking fabulous in black! And on the right is a picture of Tardar Sauce, AKA Grumpy Cat, that I cut out and taped to a jar of Tartar sauce... I crack myself up.

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