Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day Eighty-Nine -- Saturday In The Park

Today was pretty nice. Rob and I have started a new tradition of having Saturday breakfast in the park. It’s usually soup (or chili) and bread and orange juice. Also, it’s usually after 12 pm when we do it. All the prep and getting ready and shopping for the food takes up much of the morning. Rob usually brings along his tablet and his shinai. I usually bring a big purse filled with at least one book, at least one notebook, pens and a beading project so I have plenty of activity to choose from.

After spending an hour or two at the park, we then go to either Starbucks or The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for coffee, or as I had today, tea. There I usually do beadwork and Rob plays games or reads on his tablet. There might be an errand or two run, but we usually stay at the coffeehouse for the rest of the afternoon. Today, we went home a bit earlier than usual because we wanted to catch the earlier, east coast feed showing of Doctor Who.

We’ve been so excited waiting for this episode! Unfortunately, I calculated wrong and we got home in time to see that the early feed was already half way through. We decided not to watch it because we wanted to see the whole thing in sequence. Luckily, on the west coast feed, they were playing the last few episodes from before the break. We watched the last half of one then had to change the channel because I couldn’t bear to watch the final Amy and Rory episode. It was so sad and I loved those characters. During that time, I decided to check out Orphan Black. It was pretty suspenseful but I’m not too sure I really vibed with it. I might give it one more episode before deciding whether I’ll keep watching it or not.

Afterwards, we started watching the Christmas special which was terrific and the second episode that had the new companion in it, before actually being a companion, and towards the end, the channel started getting all wonky. It was glitching up mad like and we were hoping that it would right itself before the new episode. It didn’t. ARGGGGGHHHHH! Luckily, they were replaying it again on the eastern feed channel so we were able to see it unglitched. Of course, it was after I cursed the TV like you wouldn’t believe.

Tonight’s episode was SO fantastic and I was very right about a few things including the identity of the villain. That didn’t dampen my enjoyment of the episode one bit because there was still a whole load of the unexpected! That’s all I’ll say about the episode since it’s possible that this will be read by people who haven’t seen it yet. 

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