Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day Fifty-two -- Off To Never Never Land

So today was acupuncture day which is cool. I’m really feeling the improvements. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a lower back spasm (and by lower back, I mean upper butt) and I have been able to bend my knee a bit further than I’ve been able to in a very long time. Although, I was afraid that it might have been re-injured last night when while trying to position the covers with my foot, Rob yanked at the covers, thereby yanking my foot back. I had to yelp from the knee pain that caused. Fortunately, by the morning, I was doing just fine. We worked on my shoulder which had been giving me a lot of trouble recently and that trouble was exacerbated by the fall I took a last month. She told me that shoulders were stubborn. Boy do I know it! Another issue is that my back muscles are pretty tense, as well as the ones in my legs. I don’t know why, but I do notice now and then that I really tense my muscles all over when I should be relaxing. Relaxing is hard.

Speaking of relaxing, I won’t be doing any of that tomorrow! LOL I am  trying to make tomorrow a SUPER-productive day. In fact, I’m going to force myself to go to bed early tonight. Granted, early for me is going to be like 12:30 maybe 1 am (I got to bed at 3:30 last night! I should be spanked!). But I do want to get a lot done tomorrow. Mainly stuff like cleaning and organizing but also making a few things. I’ll probably be finishing a bunch of necklaces that have been waiting to be completed. This will add to my goal to have a certain number of necklaces to add to my collection for the next Silver Lake market which is March 9th.  I also just realized that I have exactly one month left to do my Pantone collection before Spring starts; that’s another goal of mine. It’s a goal that I have no doubt I’ll meet. Taking the time out to take great pictures of it all is another story. But I’m going to do it this year!

To end this post, I must say all of yesterday’s work to put my hair into twists was in vain because they are coming out tomorrow. I have a baby shower to go to tomorrow evening and I want to look presentable. I’m going to go now and work on a to-do list and a schedule... and try to be done with that before 1am without getting too caught up into watching Kinky Boots, which is coming on in a few.

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