Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day Thirty-Four -- She Wants Revenge

Okay, technically, She Wants Revenge is a band name, not song lyrics, but I'm sure someone used them as lyrics somewhere. Still it's a musical reference so the title works for me. But I digress...

I had to post this conversation between Rob and me because I thought it was pretty funny (kinda paraphrased because it happened hours ago but this is the gist of it):

Me: My new rock band name is Black Jellybean Revenge. (I often come up with phrases that I think would make good rock band names.)

Rob: (laughing) Oh, so you found another one?

Me: No

Rob: You will…

Me: I didn't find another one, but you took it to another level and therefore, I must annihilate you.

Rob: As well you should.

…Laughter ensues.

This is the kind of wackiness that goes on between us all the time, almost every day.

Here’s another example:

While at IHOP where Rob and I had a lovely breakfast, even though it was well after 12, Rob had left over mashed potatoes from the side that he ordered. I started shaping it with my fork. Rob laughs and says, “I already know what you are doing and we both laughed as I continued. After a bit of laughter and discussion, we came up with a plan:

One day, when we’re at a restaurant, we are going to order two sides of mashed potatoes not meant to be eaten. We will form it into the shape of Devil’s Tower and on a napkin one of us will write, “THIS MEANS SOMETHING”,  have it sticking out from under the table, and then leave. Rob’s idea is that we place the tip on top of it so they see the quote after they remove the tip, but I don’t know. What if they grab everything and not really see the quote because they grabbed it up with the tip, later to find a napkin in their pocket saying, “THIS MEANS SOMETHING” and not know what it’s referring to. Rob also says it would be great if we had green garnish so that we can make the greenery at the base of the mountain. I said that it would be great to have broccoli to really do it up right. When choosing a mate (yeah, like it’s THAT easy!) make sure you find someone who matches your sense of humor. It’s awesome!

It’s also awesome to be able to share your goofiness with friends. We spent the evening at Kristine and Dennis’ place, Liz was there as well. We riffed on a really bad cartoon and then watched some old Doctor Who. It was a special called, “The Five Doctors” I hadn't seen it before and really enjoyed it. What I also enjoyed, as well as everyone else, was the dinner that Dennis made: Arroz con pollo, refried beans and corn cake. It was fantastic. 

All in all, it was a great day today and the weather was simply gorgeous. 

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