Friday, January 18, 2013

Day Eighteen -- Ask me, I won't say no. How could I?

So I’ve been walking around with a spring in my step all day. It’s not just because I didn’t feel as sick today as I had been the past few days. What’s had me all excited and feeling lighter than air is that I’m going to the Pasadena Bead and Design show tomorrow. It’s the first time I’ve been to a bead show in quite a long time and I’m actually going to have money to buy stuff. I’ve already got my lunch in the fridge packed up and ready to go. I bought a (cheap) water bottle that I can roll up and stash in my purse when I’m done with it. I’ve got my show purse packed with plenty of room left over for goodies. The only thing I don’t have laid out is what I’m going to wear tomorrow, but I do have an idea. Excited I am!

On another note… every night I sit here wondering what to talk about, trying to decipher out of thin air, what the 3 or 4 people who read my blog would like to know. Unfortunately, I’m not that psychic. So, I thought it would be cool if you who read this would put in the comments any questions you would like to ask me or what you would like my snarky take on. I’m pretty honest about things and if I don’t want to talk about something I’ll say so. Besides, I think it would be fun to do… and no, it’s not just me being lazy about coming up with things to write about. :-P

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