Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day Nine -- I've Fallen and Getting Up Hurt Like a MOFO...

So today I did something that I have been putting off forever. FOREVER! And now I’m so glad that I’ve finally done it and it will no longer be a weight on me. I have to do this more often. Most of the time (one would hope) the stress due to putting things off and the unwarranted, okay sometimes it’s warranted, fear about what could happen if that issue is dealt with is so much worse and more hard on you than actually dealing with the problem. I could easily say that right now, I’m going to meet all challenges head on and whip them all into submission, but that’s not going to happen. I can only do my best day by day and maybe one day I will be that type of kick-ass person. But I don’t think this is something that I can just one day decide to do and have it be written in stone.

Just like this whole blogging every day for a year thing. It’s a challenge, and day by day I’m succeeding, but I know that it probably won’t take much for me to miss a day. Nonetheless, day by day I try to get it done. I think the key is to not beat myself up if I ever slip up and miss a day, or not meet a challenge head on, as I spoke about before. There are so many improvements that I would love to make and because of this, I know I can easily get overwhelmed by it all. That’s because I’m a sort of, “think big and try to do everything at once, fail miserably and then go into stagnation until the next batch of ideas pop up” kind of person. I see where it’s gotten me (nowhere.) but old habits die hard.

So now, I guess my prime goal is to take on all my other goals individually and not crowd myself and try to do everything at once. I am assuming that the better I get at this, the more confident I’ll be at tackling each goal and thus having better success in achieving them. My biggest hurdles are procrastination, what I have self-diagnosed as Adult ADHD and lack of self-confidence where I need it most.

Good thing I wrote all of this earlier today because early this evening, I had a fall, and now I'm on pain meds that seem to want to take their own sweet time in working. Back pain really sucks. This isn't the kind of excitement I wanted for material to blog about... :-(

No pic today. I'm gonna go to bed and sleep for a couple days... except for the bit of time I take to write tomorrow's blog. Yes, I'm gonna do it, because I'm a boss!

1 comment:

  1. You are already a kick ass sort of person. I've always thought so. I am sorry to hear you hurt your back. Maybe it is the universe's way of telling you that some rest is in order so you can then tackle all those wonderful ideas running around in your head. You have always rocked, you continue to rock and you will always rock because you are just awesome like that. Hugs.
